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Yoast Adopting IndexNow Protocol
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Yoast Adopting IndexNow Protocol

June 14, 2022

Yoast has decided to integrate the Index Now Protocol soon, but only in its premium version after it has been taken into account by most WordPress SEO Extensions.

To refresh your memory, Bing and Yandex launched the IndexNow protocol in October 2021, which allows a website to notify a search engine when one of its pages is created, modified, or deleted. This left the Yoast plugin, which is currently the most popular on WordPress. After initially having his ears pulled, the plugin’s creator, Joost de Valk, finally announced that IndexNow would soon be integrated into the Premium (paid) version of its tool.


IndexNow is a simple tool that allows website owners to alert search engines about recent changes to their site’s content. IndexNow is a simple ping that notifies search engines when a URL and its content are added, updated, or removed, allowing them to quickly update their search results to reflect the change.

IndexNow is a website indexing protocol that allows search engines like Google to index websites almost instantly. It is an open-source project aimed at making it easier for websites to notify search engines such as Google when they have new or updated content. 

The IndexNow indexing protocol can even be used to notify search engines like Google of removed pages that return a 404 server response code. IndexNow helps to reduce the amount of energy used by data centers, which helps to reduce the causes of global warming.

An Announcement By Yoast

De Valk tweeted: “Since the inception of XML sitemaps, URL discovery has been a “solved downside” in our opinion. Many websites have no trouble getting search engines like Google to crawl their content. Yoast Web optimization generates XML sitemaps and may even alert search engines like Google when they are updated.” 

XML Sitemaps

The purpose of XML sitemaps is to provide search engines with a list of all the URLs on a website. They should, ideally, also include the images on those URLs as well as the date of last modification. Yoast SEO has had XML sitemaps for a long time. The Yoast team, Google, and others collaborated in 2020 to get XML sitemaps into the WordPress core. The Yoast SEO sitemaps are slightly more sophisticated than the WordPress core sitemaps, which are essentially a list of URLs.

Yoast Integrating IndexNow

With over five million active installations, Yoast is the most popular WordPress SEO plugin in the world, so its adoption of the new indexing protocol is significant. This contributes to IndexNow’s status as an important indexing protocol and encourages more search engines to join the movement toward instant indexing, which benefits SEOs and publishers.

Final Thoughts

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