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Tech Security - Data Protection, Server & Website Security In 2023
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Tech Security – Data Protection, Server & Website Security In 2023

December 28, 2022

Change is the only constant. Our perspectives on rules and regulations, organisational structure change, and data protection are evolving. The good news is that companies and workers are more open than ever to accommodating these needs.

Security Comes First

We are all aware that in 2023, the macro environment will change massively and is likely to change significantly. The financial constraints brought on by growing inflation, rising energy prices, and possibly stretched budgets may compel IT teams to focus more brutally on what matters. That includes using intelligent technology to replace monotonous manual labor and free up talent for higher-value jobs. As well as digital transformation projects designed to increase the productivity of remote workers. Additionally, it describes a security-by-design strategy whose priority is reducing cyber risk across the board.

In 2023, this will be more crucial than ever because businesses will increase their corporate attack surface as a result of the digital transformation process. There will be more IoT devices, cloud servers, and remote working endpoints for the bad guys to target.

Here are some ways I see these are coming in 2023:

Data protection extends to the metaverse: 

Companies creating both hardware and software solutions will have to work very hard to translate the strength of their services into a virtual area such as the metaverse given that people may now enter a “physical space” from the comfort of their homes. Everything will change, including how we experience and perceive technology and, most importantly, how it is sold.

Other sorts of spatial data, such as a person’s mobility or looks, are expected to rise exponentially in the upcoming year, further complicating the ability of data and cybersecurity specialists to manage these assets. Data types used for product and UI experiences will keep growing, just like the wearables, sensors, and IoT device industries have had an incredible rise.

Cybersecurity responsibility expands as that currently responsible try to fend off burnout: 

Businesses and consumers have acknowledged the value of learning about and participating in cyber security awareness, training, and best practices since the US Congress proclaimed October to be Cyber Security Awareness Month in 2004. Unquestionably, corporate operations have changed as a result of the rise in cyber events.

In 2023, expect organisations to realise they need to step up their efforts in managing cyber risk and make sure staff members are in alignment with and adhere to evolving policies and guidelines for a cohesive and thorough cyber security infrastructure. Security leaders will also be expected to do whatever it takes to prevent burnout for themselves and their teams.

Expect a change in the way non-security leaders discuss and demonstrate their commitment to a knowledge of cyber security, recognising that it is a community effort and not just the responsibility of one individual or one team.

Government entities and private companies collaborate more to protect consumers: 

In their struggle to safeguard their population, government agencies all over the world will be significantly impacted by a perfect storm of quickly changing emergent technology.

Over the following months, the government’s power over how companies collect, store, utilise, and protect data and personally, identifiable information will grow. Despite the reality that issues connected to evolving technology, data regulation, privacy, and cybersecurity are nonpartisan, politics continues to obstruct effective action and change. There has been a lot of action over the past few years that will start in 2023 and beyond, such as funding for and advancement in fields where the government will invest in and support emerging technologies that help safeguard and govern data, as well as new and ongoing regulatory compliance.

Expect mandates targeted at eliminating biased AI in the upcoming year to make sure that algorithmic decisions do not lead to unlawful discrimination.

Final Thoughts

Alkye Services, as your technology business partner, aggressively gives priority to client security. Our aim is simple: to help your business grow and to secure it from cybercriminals. We thrive to keep our client’s data security as our priority. You know very well how it is important to have a partnership with the right digital partner. 

Cyber securitydata protectionDigital Marketingtech security