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More Social Selling On LinkedIn.
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More Social Selling On LinkedIn

December 2, 2021

Salespeople can laser-target their prospecting and establish rapport through existing connections with social selling, a new approach to selling.

Social selling is a marketing strategy that has been around for a while. You’ve probably heard of this strategy, in which brands use their social media accounts to directly engage with their followers and guide them toward making a purchase.

Social Selling

Social selling is the practice of using your social network to hunt out the right prospects, establish trusting relationships, and ultimately achieve your sales goals. This sales technique boosts sales lead generation and prospecting while decreasing the need for cold calling. Building and maintaining relationships is easier when you work with a network that you and your customers can rely on.

Social Selling on Linkedin

Linkedin is a magnificent social media platform for social selling that’s frequently overlooked because it had been designed for professional networking. LinkedIn, on the other hand, has all of the features you need to educate and establish authority in your niche or industry, as well as share information and engage your followers in meaningful conversation to move them further down your sales funnel.

Most salespeople find it difficult to imagine a world without LinkedIn. In the modern sales process, networking, sending emails and sharing content to attract buyers have all become as important as email and cold calling.

For the brand and social media marketer, LinkedIn has a lot of useful features. You can use the LinkedIn content platform to establish your expertise, communicate with others via LinkedIn messaging, and engage with your community via brand pages and groups.

Additionally, LinkedIn offers networking opportunities on a daily basis. LinkedIn gives you far more opportunities to expand your professional network than Facebook or Twitter.

Pillars of Social Selling on Linkedin

  • Create Professional Brand: B2B buyers today are extremely picky, and they will only work with vendors they can trust. A strong professional brand demonstrates that you are involved in your field. Prospects are more likely to contact you as a result of it. It results in a higher number of responses to your communications.
  • Share Insights: You must act as a subject matter expert to develop stronger relationships with other LinkedIn users. This includes sharing industry-relevant content and commenting on content from others in your industry. Make sure to keep up with industry news and know who the decision-makers are.
  • Build Trusted Relationships: Increase prospect trust by sharing your thoughts and providing relevant information to common problems. Engage in genuine conversations with prospects, focusing first on their needs and then on selling.
  • Engage with Right Audience: You can easily find and engage with potential customers using social selling. More than 76 percent of buyers are willing to interact with brands on social media. Finding the right audience is simple with LinkedIn’s audience targeting tools. LinkedIn users can be targeted based on their preferred criteria, such as industry and location, or even specific roles and job functions.

Benefits of Social Selling on Linkedin

  • Increases Brand Visibility: Employees’ networks click and engage more when they share content and optimize their LinkedIn profiles. These are frequently people who are unfamiliar with the company or are unaware of the value they are missing.
  • Drives more leads and higher quality as well: Leads and the quality of those leads increase in tandem with brand visibility. When you have a team of social sellers who are well-versed in content, they can educate their social connections. This type of information piques the interest of LinkedIn users in particular. Furthermore, people value recommendations from friends, coworkers, and family members more than any other form of advertising (ads, corporate handles).
  • Allow you to identify your target audience: As you learn more about the demographics, location, and other characteristics of the target audience, the process of creating an ideal customer profile becomes easier.
  • Boots web traffic: More people will click or search for the company website as your brand’s visibility grows and more employees share company content and news. As we can see from the statistics above, LinkedIn accounts for more than half of all social traffic, so you can bet that when you have hundreds or thousands of employees sharing, web traffic will increase.
  • Provides a platform for effective customer support: You can provide excellent customer service by using social selling. People are more likely to use your products and services if they see you responding quickly to the needs of your customers.
  • Keep track of prospects’ activities: When done correctly, social media monitoring can be extremely beneficial to your business. It can help you get unbiased feedback on how people really feel about your brand, so you can respond appropriately.

Final Thoughts

At Alkye, as a technology business partner with our clients, we definitely recommended changes going in the market. We also suggest our clients make edits and consider changes in their technology that are going on the market to help their businesses grow and take market share from their competitors.
