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Epic vs Apple; what changes could be coming into effect for businesses who earn revenue from apps
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Epic vs Apple; what changes could be coming into effect for businesses who earn revenue from apps

September 17, 2021

App store payment gateway regulations have recently been under a watchful eye in the case of Epic vs Apple.

The antitrust case of Epic Games Inc. against Apple Inc. was decided by antitrust experts: Only because Apple would probably not become a monopolist is a divided decision. It’s a split decision.

Epic VS Apple: Affecting Tech World

  • Epic Argument: The Epic game supports the assumption that the Apple App Store is the only service supplied by Apple to iOS customers. To be published on the App Store, developers must use the Apple Money Management Service as required by the App Store. Epic contends that the Apple business model is a monopoly and non-competent, as it prevents other Epic companies from being admitted by Apple’s applications shops and payment processing companies.
  • Apple Argument: Apple responded to the Epic games, Apple says that, for a particular arrangement, Epic requested a single lower charge from the Commission. It is also pointed out that the efficiency of the app store, its screening and distribution services is a “forbidden” price for many developers and applications that run counter to Epic.

Epic Games claims that Apple holds monopoly power in both the “iOS app distribution market” and the “iOS in-app processing market.”

The results will have a significant impact on app stores, developers and clients. This is as many plans are already being considered to regulate app stores at state and federal levels. The Court decision could influence the dynamic of accounts payable and generally create a basis for the sideloading or prohibition by app stores and the use of their payment mechanism. This would have a big impact on the commercial strategy of Apple, which is focused on competing with a high-end approach to privacy.

Epic’s quixotic goal is to show that Apple has market power, which implies that competitive forces are insufficient to manage corporate behavior. Epic tries to define the market narrowly as a market for iOS apps. Epic claims that Apple has a monopoly on the market and that its limits on app distribution and payment processors exploit Apple’s position on the market.

The client confidence of smaller developers could also suffer substantially if Apple is judged. Through its vetting and side-loading limits, Apple increases its general trust of programs offered to iOS, hence decreasing barriers to smaller developers who often have no trust-based companies. If an app from an unfamiliar system is loaded safely into your smartphone as approval signals from Apple and free of false fees or spyware, end users are less skeptical.

The decision has a tremendous impact on the business for both Epic and Apple. Apple cannot block developers from sending customers to third-party payment solutions. Apple doesn’t have to pay for such programs, nor is it sufficiently explicit to open troubled apps on iOS. This move could restrict the provision of valuable applications such as online banking applications, which were a key driver of financial integration.

This could lead to lower revenues for app distribution services, making them less attractive and likely to cause platforms to be abandoned. This will affect developers who see payment processing of these platforms as a simple means of delivering and distributing their programs and consumers benefiting from the efficiency of single-stage services in these stores. Its impact could affect other businesses such as video game consoles and streaming equipment that also have comparable limitations to Apple. The final judgment could lead to a change in the outlook of business as a whole.

Final Thoughts

At Alkye, as a technology business partner with our clients, we always recommend changes going in the market. We also suggest our clients make edits and consider changes in their technology that are going on the market to help their businesses grow and take market share from their competitors.

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