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Content Marketing
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Content Marketing – The Top Content Marketing Trends Of 2022

May 28, 2020

Organisations have come to understand that it’s necessary to create and market content around their business to drive growth. The expansion and implementation of inbound marketing techniques such as social media, email marketing, SEO, SEM (search engine marketing), and mobile notifications have created a necessity for good quality content. Organisations are setting up content management teams dedicated to content strategy, content calendar, and content population, to create highly relevant content for the consumption of the end-user.

With content becoming a focal point for all organisations, here are the content marketing trends that you can expect to see in 2022

Automation and AI

We are witnessing more organisations using AI to automate processes such as their customer service activities, as well as content creation. Chatbots have become a common medium for businesses to communicate with their customers and offer assistance around the clock. AI is increasingly being used for content personalisation, segmentation, and analytics. A report by Gartner estimates that almost 50% of businesses would invest in AI infrastructure, especially chatbots. The incorporation of AI allows businesses more flexibility and saves the time of professionals that could be invested elsewhere.

Video content

Video Content has been on the rise for the past 5 years. With its visual appeal, video content has the power to drive greater consumer engagement than text. This does not imply that text content is irrelevant however business owners need to put equal emphasis on the creation of video content. Video will continue to grow in popularity and be an integral part of digital marketing. Companies need to ensure that they have the relevant architecture to support video content.

Easy-to-use CMS

Companies are using CMS (content management systems) to reduce cost & manual labour and to elevate their digital experience. The three options in CMS available to business are-Cloud based, Headless, and Open-source CMS. Responsive CMS allows greater flexibility, remote editing, scalability, and security. Popular CMS like WordPress, which host 25% of the world’s websites, are appealing to businesses because it’s easy to use even for non-technical personnel. These software allow multiple users, streamline content scheduling, and improve site maintenance


More companies are shifting focus to offer personalised services based on the user’s past browsing history and personal preference. The new-age users expect a certain amount of personalisation from brands that they support. Highly personalised content encourages better user engagement and creates a better user experience. Providing dynamic and tailored content based on a user’s history and interests can drive conversion rates. There are multiple content management tools like headless CMS that allows businesses to curate and deliver personalised content to individual customers at the most optimal time. 

Voice search

With mobile phones becoming ubiquitous in our daily lives, more content is being created to cater to smartphones and tablets users. More brands are focusing on delivering voice-activated content as the use of voice chat is skyrocketing. 50% of all searches will be in voice search by 2020. Most smart devices answer 60% of the questions and queries accurately. With further innovation, this trend is set to become more accurate and interactive. Companies need to optimise their content for voice search to meet customer demands

Progressive web apps

Progressive web apps uses advanced web technologies to provide an app-like user experience. These web apps are set to take precedence over other apps in 2020. They are a great way to build an app and standardise the mobile landscape. Progressive web apps allow mobile web apps to act just like native apps with the use of standard-based technology and run in a secure container that is accessible for all web users. Service workers are added to PWAs to improve their offline functionality. With the implementation of HTTP, Service Workers, and JSON manifest files, any website can be converted to a PWA. With its app-like interaction and navigation features, we are more likely to see organisations adopting PWAs compared to its alternative.

Final Thoughts

Keeping up with evolving trends allows companies to stay ahead of the competition. Content that resonates with your target audience is a commodity that businesses need to exploit to gain prospective customers. Effective content marketing values quality over quantity, with more focus on market research and content evolution. At Alkye, we offer services to our clients to help them manage their content development, marketing and management.

AICMSContentContent WritingDigital MarketingMarketing strategyVideo Content